Version 10 of the Research Data Curation Bibliography

av steingod |

Digital Scholarship has released Version 10 of the Research Data Curation Bibliography. This selective bibliography includes over 750 

English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding the curation of digital research data in academic and 

other research institutions. Printed from the HTML page, it is over 200 pages long.

Standard for representation of statistical classifications

av steingod |

XKOS is a simple and elegant model to represent complex classifications via their structural and textual properties, as well as the relations between classifications. By leveraging the widely-used Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS), XKOS extensions allow linkages to a wealth of existing thesauri and taxonomies to better support statistical classifications and concept management systems.

Call for abstracts to data oriented sessions on AGU

av steingod |


What Works -- and How(!?):  Sharing Successful Approaches to Educating Research Teams on Research Data Management and Related Data Skills (IN Session ID# 80615)

Advancing Capabilities to Enable Current and Future Use of Earth and Space Science Data (IN Session ID# 82801)

Data-Oriented and Self-Optimizing Architectures and Workflows for Earth, Space and Climate Science Applications (IN Session ID# 77921)