Utlysning av nasjonale e-infrastruktur ressurser 2019.2

av steingod |

Sigma2 call image

UNINETT Sigma2 har offentliggjort den andre utlysningen av e-infrastrukturressurser i 2019. Fristen er søndag 25 august. Det nasjonale miljøet kan søke på tilgang til beregnings-, lagrings- og tjenester som avansert brukerstøtte. Se https://www.sigma2.no/content/call-e-infrastructure-resources-2019-2 for detaljer.

Paper on RDIs for Long Tail Data

av torillh |

GeRDI, the Generic Research Data (RD) Infrastructure, is a research data management initiative that addresses best practices for management of long tail data from several research communities across multiple domains, including marine and environmental sciences. The initiative has proposed a common metadata structure and design a generic architecture for a Research Data Infrastructure (RDI). GeRDI is supported by, among others Horizon 2020 and DFG (German Research Foundation).

Joint user interaction meeting between NorDataNet and INTAROS, Oslo 2019

av markusf |

In recent years we have seen an increasing focus on publication and reuse of scientific data. These data are generated using public funding and it is in the interest of the authorities to maximise the benefit of investments in science. Furthermore, the data are a very important legacy of the science undertaken. As a consequence, national, regional (EU) and global requirements for free and ethically open access to data have emerged.