Arctic Change 2017, 11-15 December 2017, Quebec, Canada

By torillh |

Arctic Change 2017 will gather internationally leading scientists, young scientists and students from many disciplines, representatives from local communities in the Arctic, public and private sector, and stakeholders on climate change and adaptation. The conference will cover a wide range of topics, among others, Arctic ecosystems, monitoring and data management, community based research, international collaboration and sustainable development in the Arctic.

NorDataNet brukermøte 23 november 2017

By laraf |

De siste årene har vi sett et økt fokus på bruk og gjenbruk av forskningsdata. Både forsknings- og forvaltningsdata er stort sett frembrakt med offentlige midler og det er i samfunnets interesse å maksimere gevinsten på investeringer i opparbeidelse av slike data. Dette har ført til nasjonale og regionale (EU) retningslinjer for fri og åpen tilgang til forvaltningsdata og det samme er i ferd med å skje for forskningsdata.

International Data Week 2018, 22–26 October 2018, Gaborone, Botswana

By torillh |

The International Data Week 2018 (IDW 2018) will address the theme of ‘The Digital Frontiers of Global Science’ and provide a meeting place for data scientists, researchers from all disciplines, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, policy makers and data stewards. IDW 2018 is combined with the 12th RDA Plenary Meeting, the biannual meeting of the research data community, and SciDataCon 2018.

13th IEEE eScience Conference, 24-27 Oct 2017, Auckland, New Zealand

By torillh |

The 13th IEEE eScience conference (eScience 2017) will address a wide range of topics within eScience, including relevant technologies, applications, and tools. Papers and posters will present the latest advances in eScience research and application and tool development. Programme at The conference also organizes several workshops, among others, the Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE5.2).