Evaluation form

By laraf |

A webform has been created to collect user's feedback on the webportal in general, its functionalities and more specifically the data search interface and associated tools. The webform will always be available and will be used as input to evaluation of user needs, space for improvements and implement a more user-friendly portal. Thus we hope that you will provide your input and help us make this a valuable tool for the scientific community.

Access the form at: https://www.nordatanet.no/en/evaluation-form

Publication of data management system in NorDataNet

By trygveh |

Recently, a peer-review publication describing the underlying concept and data manangement system for NorDataNet was published. The research paper is entitled The Norwegian National Ground Segment; Preservation, Distribution and Exploitation of Sentinel Data, and is focusing on satellittdata.no. satellittdata.no is using the same data management system as in NorDataNet, but the context and project is different.